home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- gSessionManager.restorePrompt = function() {
- this.onLoad(true);
- this.onLoad = function() { };
- this.onUnload = function() { };
- this.onWindowClose = function() { };
- // Set to not delete stored autosave name and time by default
- var deletePrefs = false;
- // Don't try to encrypt backup file by default
- this.delPref("_encrypt_file");
- // Don't recover by default
- this.delPref("_recovering");
- // Default to user not selecting tabs
- this.delPref("_chose_tabs");
- // default count variable
- var countString = "";
- var session = null, backupFile = null, state = null, count = null;
- var screensize = screen.width + "x" + screen.height;
- // Get count from crashed session and prepare to save it. Don't save it yet or it will show up in selection list.
- var file = this.getProfileFile("sessionstore.js");
- // If file does not exist, try looking for SeaMonkey's sessionstore file
- if (!file.exists()) {
- file = this.getProfileFile("sessionstore.json");
- }
- if (file.exists())
- {
- try {
- var name = this.getFormattedName("", new Date(file.lastModifiedTime), this._string("crashed_session"));
- state = this.readFile(file);
- count = this.getCount(state);
- session = gSessionManager.nameState("timestamp=" + file.lastModifiedTime + "\nautosave=false\tcount=" + count.windows + "/" + count.tabs + "\tgroup=" + gSessionManager._string("backup_sessions") + "\tscreensize=" + screensize + "\n" + state, name);
- backupFile = this.getSessionDir(this.mBackupSessionName, true);
- if (count.windows && count.tabs) countString = count.windows + "," + count.tabs;
- }
- catch(ex) {
- this.logError(ex);
- }
- }
- var params = window.arguments[0].QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDialogParamBlock);
- params.SetInt(0, 0);
- var values = { name: "*", addCurrentSession: true, ignorable: false, count: countString }
- var fileName = (location.search != "?cancel")?(this.prompt(this._string("recover_session"), this._string("recover_session_ok"), values)?values.name:""):"";
- if (fileName != "*")
- {
- if (fileName)
- {
- this.setPref("_recovering", fileName);
- }
- else if (!this.getPref("save_window_list", false))
- {
- this.clearUndoData("window", true);
- }
- params.SetInt(0, 1); // don't recover the crashed session
- }
- this.mPref_encrypt_sessions = this.getPref("encrypt_sessions", false);
- // actually save the crashed session
- if (session && backupFile) {
- this.writeFile(backupFile, session);
- if (this.mPref_encrypt_sessions) this.setPref("_encrypt_file", backupFile.leafName);
- }
- // If user chose to prompt for tabs and selected a filename
- if (fileName && values.choseTabs) {
- // if recovering current session, recover it from our backup file
- if (fileName == "*") {
- fileName = backupFile.leafName;
- params.SetInt(0, 1); // don't recover the crashed session
- this.setPref("_recovering", fileName);
- }
- this.setPref("_chose_tabs", true);
- }
- var autosave_values = this.getPref("_autosave_values", "").split("\n");
- var autosave_name = autosave_values[0];
- if (autosave_name)
- {
- // if not recovering last session (does not including recovering last session, but selecting tabs)
- if (fileName != "*")
- {
- // Get name of chosen session
- var chosen_name = null;
- if (/^(\[SessionManager v2\])(?:\nname=(.*))?/m.test(this.readSessionFile(this.getSessionDir(fileName), true))) {
- chosen_name = RegExp.$2;
- }
- // not recovering autosave session or current session (selecting tabs), save the autosave session first
- if (values.choseTabs || ((chosen_name != autosave_name) && (fileName != backupFile.leafName)))
- {
- // delete autosave preferences
- deletePrefs = true;
- this.log("Saving crashed autosave session " + autosave_name, "DATA");
- var temp_state = this.readFile(file);
- // encrypt if encryption enabled
- if (this.mPref_encrypt_sessions) {
- this.mPref_encrypted_only = this.getPref("encrypted_only", false);
- temp_state = this.decryptEncryptByPreference(temp_state);
- }
- if (temp_state) {
- var autosave_time = isNaN(autosave_values[2]) ? 0 : autosave_values[2];
- var autosave_state = gSessionManager.nameState("timestamp=" + file.lastModifiedTime + "\nautosave=session/" + autosave_time +
- "\tcount=" + count.windows + "/" + count.tabs + (autosave_values[1] ? ("\tgroup=" + autosave_values[1]) : "") +
- "\tscreensize=" + screensize + "\n" + temp_state, autosave_name);
- this.writeFile(this.getSessionDir(this.makeFileName(autosave_name)), autosave_state);
- }
- }
- // choose to recover autosave session so just recover last session
- else
- {
- // we could delete the autosave preferences here, but it doesn't matter (actually it saves us from saving prefs.js file again)
- this.delPref("_recovering");
- params.SetInt(0, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- // delete autosave preferences and save preference file
- if (deletePrefs) {
- this.delPref("_autosave_values");
- // do this via a preference so we don't save twice in case user loads a different auto save sessions
- this.setPref("_save_prefs", true);
- }
- // Don't prompt for a session again if user cancels crash prompt
- this.setPref("_no_prompt_for_session", true);
- };
- gSessionManager.restorePrompt();
- window.close();